Sunday, July 31, 2016


In contrast to my previous post, Sundays can actually be very quiet. Here's a quick picture of what our day looks like today:

Both of our boys are not feeling well, so we stayed home from church today. Only two people have knocked on our door. David is sitting at the table eating a snack, James is in his Johnny jump up (or jolly jumper, for our Canadian delegates), Abram is making sauerkraut, and I'm drinking coffee and ranting to him about politics. :) Oh, and I hoarded leftovers for a few days, so that we wouldn't have to cook.

Okay, actually, that all happened a few minutes ago- right at this exact moment, I'm nursing James and typing one handed, because if I don't get this down now, I never will!

Just wanted to get this in writing in the hopes that I can look back on this hectic season and remember the few peaceful moments. (When we do go to church, it's a very different story. I'll try to blog about that another day...)

Happy sabbath, friends.

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